Thursday, May 31, 2012


  By: Sweetheart

         We had a Ultimate Surprise, it was White Water! We had so much fun! The first ride we went on was the Pipeline Plunge.Next ride we rode was a family one we all rode in the same tube. We all did the drop of slide expect my mom(she just wanted to take pictures the first time but after that she still wouldn't go on it)it was fun but scary. My mom said that slide went 40 miles per hour.

White water
us going on drop off slide (I'm on left, My sister is on the right)
Another ride my sister said went 2 miles per 10 hours.(I don't believe her it goes about 2 miles per hour.)On of my favorites is the lazy river.  Another one of my one favorites was the Mat Race (another family one)but always lost and my dad always won expect when my sister went when she didn't say GO. We also played in the wave pool but when the waves where on they did lifeguard testing. WE HAD SO MUCH FUN! And that was the end of that day.

We got Andy's
Frozen Custerd

Ultimate surprise ???

By Sunshine

For U day we had a blast.  P.S. We went to White Water for the very first time ever. My sister and I rode Every single water slide. My favorite ride was the mat racer. My dad always won except for 2 times when I won but the first time I went before the lifegaurd said to,Opps.

White water with dad
The brave ones at White Water

My dad, my sister, and I are the BRAVE ones we went down the drop off slide.When you go down it you go 40 mph. I thaugh my mom was a chicken, but she did go down all the others except the 4 kids ones that go 2 mp10hs. The groud was very hot there so, when my dad was walking he steped on the back of moms flip flop and brock it, so she had to by water shoes with wet money. I personly never know that they would take wet money. Now last but definitly not least  my second favorite was Ohanna falls. On it we get to go as a family. You sit in big tubes and so when we did it we my mom sat backward. Then she sat backward the rest of the times we did it ,but not 1 time my dad sat backward. I love White Water I think I like  it better than Silver Dollar City. I had so so sooo much fun there but now I have a very very very bad sun burn. U day was AWESOME see you .

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The next most great day ever

My sister, my sitter, Henry, and  me
Yeserday at 4:00 ish we got to see babby Henry and his mom and dad. We played babby toys with him, then we all played with the edable play doh we made. After that we ate dinner, we had chicken, potatos, fruit salad, and bread. Then we went outside and played with Henry's car plus we ran threw the sprinkler but Henry did NOT like runing threw the sprinkler at all. We had homemade icecream, then we also played bubbles with him. After that they hsd to go home. So that was the end of  the that day!

W day

By Sunshine

Friday W day was an awesome day it was water day.We played in the water with our friend. We plyed with water ballons, the hose, tubs, buckets, water guns, and the tire swing.Then we went to the lake it was really bumppy but it felt good to tube again this year. We swam a little bit and as you already know we tubed too.We also ate dinner on the lake it was good, but we did not get to watch the sunset boo, hoo.The only reason  we did not get to watch the sunset was the boat was not working right. Today my dad got it to work right, so  I think we might  get to go out tomorrow. Oh anther thing was we did the tube 4 times before the boat started acting funny and I got tube 3 out of 4 times I had such a fun W day or water day.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

X Day at Silver Dollar City

By Sunshine

Today was X day. If you don't know what X day is it tells you all about it in the article of The Second Awesome Day of Summer. What X day was is X-tra fun at Silver Dollar City.We went with my Girl Scout Troop.
My Girl Scout Troop

 It was really fun but tiring. My #3 favorite rides there are Wildfire, Lost River of the Ozark, and Tom and Huck's River Blast.On Tom and Huck's River Blast you get soaked.I love Silver Dollar City.If  you have not been there, you need to go, it's so awesome. I loved X day Bye.

Another AWSOME Day Of Summer


          Yesterday was Y day, yesterday's memories so we dug threw old stuff like my Mom's wedding dress. I got to try it on. We also found my Grandma's(my dad's mom)old doll colection.(me in the wedding dress holding  a doll out of the colection (below))


Another thing we found is our parents graduation unaforms. (Sunshine in our mom's graduation unaform holding a doll(above))Also we found our babby stuff like the dishes and clothes.  Then we played for a while. After that we looked at some old scrapbooks, then we had check ups at the docters office. We loked at one more scrapbook, then we played alot more. then looked at a movie of us when we were younger.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The second awesome day of summer

By Sunshine                                                     

Me, Grace,and my sister

Today we started Z to A summer fun. It was Z day today which was zippidy doo da day and go to the zoo. We first went to the Girl Scout Store to regester for camp,yess! Then we went to get our hair cut. Sweethearts is so so so soo cute,and me I just got it trimmed . Finally we went to the zoo. We walked the hole whole zoo man that is tiring. We went to the zoo with my 3rd grade teacher and her daughter named Grace. After the  zoo we were really tired actully so tired we fell asleep in the car. When we got home we played wiht our neighborhood friends. Now tonight  we get to go to a bonfire ,fun fun. The fire is at the neighbors house. What a totlly awesome Z day.

Second Day of Summer


     Today we went to the Girl Scoct store, then we got haircuts. Then we went to the zoo with my sisters third grade teacher and her daughter. We saw the whole entire zoo! My favorite one is the otter, but the pipe broke so we couldn't see him. 
Otter statue
I took a pictrue of every animal! When we were done we ate lunch. I had a turkey and cheese sandwich with watermelion. After that we got to play  on the play ground with her daughter. When we got tired we went to the library. (we took naps on the way there)When we got back we read for a hour. Finally we got to play with friends for a hour or so. Now we have to eat dinner. Finally we are going to have a bonfire tonight at our neighbors house!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Another story of the summer begins

By Sunshine 

So we went to go get Half price shakes At Sonic. A good way to end the first day of school being out.
Well as my sister told you when we got off bus our mom was waiting for us with popsicle,yum yum .Well of course she had some for every body at that stop.  As well my sister  told you this too that after the yummy treat we played with friends.Then we had to go biking it, it was really fun in my opinion
 .We biked at Wilson's Creek Nation Battlefield.We biked 3.5 miles in only 24 min.I DID NOT BIKE UP BLOODY HILL ONLY MY DAD DID.this is an awesome way to start our summer vacation.

Our Summer Begins


       When we got off the buss our mom was waiting for us. She gave us a popsicle. Then we went to play with our friends. We played on the wii and we played with poly pockets. We had pizza for dinner.After that we biked 3.5 miles. Finally we started this blog. Then mom just told me we're going to get half price shakes from Sonic! So we got to go. Bye-by