Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The second awesome day of summer

By Sunshine                                                     

Me, Grace,and my sister

Today we started Z to A summer fun. It was Z day today which was zippidy doo da day and go to the zoo. We first went to the Girl Scout Store to regester for camp,yess! Then we went to get our hair cut. Sweethearts is so so so soo cute,and me I just got it trimmed . Finally we went to the zoo. We walked the hole whole zoo man that is tiring. We went to the zoo with my 3rd grade teacher and her daughter named Grace. After the  zoo we were really tired actully so tired we fell asleep in the car. When we got home we played wiht our neighborhood friends. Now tonight  we get to go to a bonfire ,fun fun. The fire is at the neighbors house. What a totlly awesome Z day.


  1. I bet you were so tired because you had a slumber party with your sister last night! :) The best part of Z day was spending it with you!

  2. It was such a fun day! I'm so glad WE got to spend part of it with you! And you're right, I'm TIRED too!! We'll all sleep well tonight. :)
